Monday, 29 September 2014

Rafizi Ramli: A Politician In Haste

Rafizi Ramli, the MP for Pandan and chief strategist for PKR, is a very vocal critic of GST. He’s using GST as an opportunity to promote his political ambitions.

He is a master of spinning half-truths.

As a trained accountant and a former PETRONAS Senior Manager for Accounts, Budget and International Taxations, he knows very well the benefits of GST to the country. He is also aware that 160 countries have implemented GST. Even with change of government, none of these countries has repealed the GST.

He is creating controversies over GST to gain political mileage. His recent statement that GST will be imposed on petrol, diesel and cooking gas was meant to provoke the rakyat. Price of fuel is a very sensitive issue to Malaysians. The truth is that no decision has been made whether GST will be imposed on fuel.

Rafizi is so focused on rejecting GST that he is neglecting his skills and knowledge to contribute towards making GST a fairer taxation system. He is equating anti-GST sentiments with anti-government sentiments.

Rafizi Ramli is emulating his mentor as a political animal. In his haste to achieve his political ambitions, he has no remorse in making the ends justify the means.

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